Marine City Chiropractor Kevin Gilbert DC CCSP
  • Chiropractor near me Kevin Gilbert DC CCSP has over 25 years experience!

  • We are dedicated to providing the most current and effective chiropractic care to every patient.

  • Our goal is to alleviate your pain and correct the cause, with as few treatments as possible with the best lasting results.

  • We are equipped with the knowledge and experience to treat a wide variety of conditions, as well as providing a preventative and wellness-based approach to health.

  • We take great pride in the fact that our highly-effective chiropractic treatments are non-surgical, non-invasive, and completely drug-free.
  • As a result, our chiropractic treatments are extremely safe while still achieving significant, lasting pain relief.

  • We realize no one doctor or profession can adequately serve all your needs. We are happy to, at any time, refer to other health care professionals for your benefit.

Sports Chiropractor in Marine City

Chiropractor near me, Dr. Gilbert is a Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician. He is an active member of the American Chiropractic Association and The Michigan Association of Chiropractors. He is an evidence-based practitioner offering a wide variety of individualized treatment options.

Marine City Chiropractor Kevin Gilbert and his team also treat athletes for common injuries while assisting them in performing to their greatest potential through sports specific training and core fitness.

Whether you are involved in sports, suffering from postural issues, a work-related injury, or if you’re just looking to feel healthy and move better we can help. We help people get well and stay well without the use of drugs or surgery.

Chiropractor Near Me Marine City MI | The Gilbert Clinic Front Office Area
Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Member of American Chiropractic Association
Member of Michigan Association of Chiropractors

Chiropractic Sports Physician Kevin Gilbert DC CCSP has helped me maintain my diet, fitness, my back, and my feet!

Between the adjustments, nutrition, personal training, and the flexible orthotics I am able to run circles around the Golf Pros. Thanks Doc!”

Matt Achatz – PGA Tour Caddy