Bulging Disc Treated With Spinal Decompression Therapy
Marine City Chiropractor specializes in spinal decompression therapy which helps pull the bulging disc material back inside the disc. This works by gently separating the disc a few millimeters, creating negative pressure (or a vacuum) inside the disc to pull in the bulging disc material, as well as water, oxygen, and nutrients. This repeated process re-hydrates the disc and brings in the nutrients needed to heal torn fibers and halt the degenerative process. As the disc material recedes, the pressure on the nerve is reduced.
Schedule Your Appointment for Sciatica Pain Treatment
It is possible to achieve relief without drugs or surgery. To Stop Your Pain And Get Relief schedule an appointment for spinal decompression therapy at The Gilbert Clinic. To treat the cause of your pain, contact us today for your FREE MRI review and consultation. We look forward to helping you get relief!
At The Gilbert Clinic, we’re proud to treat patients with spinal disc problems from Marine City, Algonac, St. Clair, Marysville, Port Huron, Chesterfield, New Baltimore, and the Macomb and St. Clair County surrounding areas! Start feeling better today!
Chiropractor Marine City MI. Serving Marine City, Algonac, St Clair and surrounding areas